(4a) A simple example: use bootstrap to estimate the standard deviation of a sample median.


> B = 1000                                                       # Number of bootstrap samples

> n = length(mpg)                                           # Sample size (and the size of each bootstrap sample)

> median_bootstrap = rep(0,B)                      # Initiate a vector of bootstrap medians


> for (k in 1:B){                                                # Do-loop to produce B bootstrap samples.

+ b = sample( n, n, replace=TRUE )                # Take a random subsample of size n with replacement

+ median_bootstrap[k] = median( mpg[b] )   # Compute the sample median of each bootstrap subsample

+ }


> hist(median_bootstrap)                              


> median(mpg)                                               # The actual sample median is 22.75; bootstrap medians range

[1] 22.75                                                          # from 20.5 to 25.0.

> sd(median_bootstrap)                                

[1] 0.7661376                                                  # The bootstrap estimator of SD(median) is 0.7661376.




(4b) Bootstrap confidence interval


# The histogram above shows the distribution of a sample median. We can find its (α/2)-quantile and

(1-α/2)-quantile. They estimate the true quantiles that embrace the sample median with probability (1-α).


> alpha=0.05; quantile( median_bootstrap, alpha/2 )



> quantile( median_bootstrap, 1-alpha/2 )




# A bootstrap confidence interval for the population median is [21, 24].




(4c) R package “boot”


# There is a special bootstrap tool in R package “boot”.

# To use it for the same problem, we define a function that computes a sample median for a given subsample…

> median.fn = function(X,subsample){

+ return(median(X[subsample]))

+ }


# For example, here is a sample median for a small subsample of size 10 without replacement…

> median.fn( mpg, sample(n,10) )

[1] 24.95


# If the subsample is the whole sample, with all its indices, we get our original sample median…

> median.fn( mpg,  )

[1] 22.75

# Then we apply this function to many bootstrap samples (R is their number) and summarize the obtained statistics…


> library (boot)

> boot( mpg, median.fn, R=10000 )





boot(data = mpg, statistic = median.fn, R = 10000)


Bootstrap Statistics :

    original  bias    std. error

t1*    22.75 -0.1406   0.7687722


# The bootstrap estimate of the standard deviation of a sample median is 0.7687722, and the bootstrap estimate of the bias is -0.1406. If we run the same command again, we might get somewhat different estimates, because the bootstrap method is based on random resampling.


> boot( mpg, median.fn, R=10000 )

    original   bias    std. error

t1*    22.75 -0.13368   0.7727318


> boot( mpg, median.fn, R=10000 )

    original   bias    std. error

t1*    22.75 -0.13437   0.7617304



(4d) Another problem – find a bootstrap estimate of the standard deviation of each regression coefficient


# Define a function returning regression intercept and slope…

> slopes.fn = function( dataset, subsample ){

+ reg = lm( mpg ~ horsepower, data=Auto[subsample, ] )

+ beta = coef(reg)

+ return(beta)

+ }


> boot( Auto, slopes.fn, R=10000 )


Bootstrap Statistics :

      original        bias    std. error

t1* 39.9358610  0.0329999048 0.857890744

t2* -0.1578447 -0.0003929433 0.007444107


# We got bootstrap estimates, Std(intercept) = 0.85789, Std(slope) = 0.007444.

# Actually, this can be obtained easily, and without bootstrap…


> summary( lm( mpg ~ horsepower, data=Auto ) )



             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   

(Intercept) 39.935861   0.717499   55.66   <2e-16 ***

horsepower  -0.157845   0.006446  -24.49   <2e-16 ***



# But…. Why are the bootstrap estimates of standard errors higher than the ones obtained by regression formulae? Random variation due to bootstrapping? Let’s try bootstrap a few more times.


> boot( Auto, slopes.fn, R=10000 )

      original        bias    std. error

t1* 39.9358610  0.0366632516 0.864274619

t2* -0.1578447 -0.0003676081 0.007459809


> boot( Auto, slopes.fn, R=10000 )

      original       bias    std. error

t1* 39.9358610  0.024793987 0.866532993

t2* -0.1578447 -0.000309597 0.007501155


> boot( Auto, slopes.fn, R=10000 )

Bootstrap Statistics :

      original        bias    std. error

t1* 39.9358610  0.0411404502 0.868404735

t2* -0.1578447 -0.0004208256 0.007500111


# A comment about discrepancy with the standard estimates. Bootstrap estimates are pretty close to each other. They should be, because each of them is based on 10,000 bootstrap samples. However, the bootstrap standard errors of slopes are still a little higher than the estimates obtained by the standard regression analysis. The book explains this phenomenon by a number of assumptions that the standard regression requires. In particular, nonrandom predictors X and a constant variance of responses Var(Y) = σ2. Bootstrap is a nonparametric procedure, it is not based on any particular model. Thus, it can account for the variance of predictors. Here, “horsepower” is the predictor, and it is probably random.


Since some of the standard regression assumptions are questionable here, the bootstrap method for estimating standard errors is more reliable.